Mental Health During the Holidays
Written by Simone Alston
For some people, the holidays are a joyous time of year when friends and family come together for celebrations and fun festivities. However, for many individuals, this time period increases issues with mental health. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, 64 percent of people who struggle with mental health report that the holiday season creates more challenges regarding mental health. Stress, loneliness, anxiety, effects from unresolved childhood trauma, depression, financial and social pressures are some of the emotional states individuals deal with around this time. People living with schizophrenia have stated that hallucinations are more likely to happen. People with bipolar disorder have also spoken about manic and depressive episodes triggered because of the distressing emotions that the holidays provide. Even people who do not have mental illnesses can deal with a multitude of problems during the holidays. Regardless of who deals with anything during this season, always check up on your loved ones and prioritize your mental health during the holidays.